for christ. for the church. for the forgotten.
We work with multiple translators, teams, ministries, donors, churches, and indigenous leaders. We partner around a common devotion to the exclusivity of Christ and His gospel, a fidelity to the sufficiency and inerrancy of Scripture, and a commitment to the Five Solas of the Reformation.
salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, In christ alone, revealed in scripture alone, to the glory of god alone.
See What We Believe.
For the sake of security, we do not advertise the names of most of our project partners. Please inquire if you are interested in sponsoring a project or working with us.
Become a Partner
Due to increased security concerns, our team can initially disclose only general details about our projects. And we cannot share specific details about personnel. If you would like to partner with us, please fill out the form below, explain your ministry project, and link your doctrinal convictions. We look forward to hearing from you.
“There are three great truths: 1st, That there is a God; 2nd, That He has spoken to us in the Bible; 3rd, That He means what He says.”