“ I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me to bring the Gentiles to obedience—by word and deed.”
Some sample projects that the Lord has accomplished through Frontier Dispatch:
In partnership with an outreach to Middle Eastern refugees in Europe, we developed and taught Bible curricula for Farsi speakers studying to return to their native countries to plant churches.
Theology curricula in chinese
In partnership with a Chinese brother and sister, we translated three Bible/theology courses for training pastors in China.
SCripture engagement training in burmese
Provided solar-powered and wind-up audio Bibles to minority hilltribes pastors in Burma and trained them in teaching the Bible through oral and audio means to aliterate hilltribes people.
linguistic research among HIMALAYAN Nomads
Searched out and researched an elusive nomadic people group on a secluded Himalayan plateau. Made first Christian contact with them in preparation for future missionary engagement.
Theological and pastoral training in Uganda
Provided theological resources and trained village pastors in northern Uganda in Bible and theology courses over a series of years.
Frontier Dispatch operates as a DBA project of the non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, Life Pathway Inc.